HomeGround | An endeavour by BONOMI

HomeGround | An endeavour by BONOMI

Introducing the 2022 edition of our speciality cold brew coffee series, which celebrates the best in Indian coffee

“Wherever you go, there you are”

Home means different things to different people. To some, it is the comfort of a well made bed, slept in since they were kids. To others, it’s about finding a corner of home that they create, and piece together with curios and memories. To those who live nomadically, home is wherever they choose to rest their head from time to time.

In our heads and hearts, one of the larger components of what home means to us is the country we live in - India. There is an inherent Indianness to our being and our process, and our brand is also built to currently serve an Indian audience, one that is learning, evolving, growing, and adapting. One that chooses comfort as often as it chooses challenges, one that focuses as much on lifestyle as it does on livelihood. 

There’s enough and more waxing and waning that comes from talking about the diversity of the country and what it has to offer. But few actually deign to explore this diversity in their field of work, or in the way they make lifestyle choices. 

As makers of cold brew coffee, and championing the idea of bringing out a consistently stellar batch of cold brew coffee, every single time, with a 100% local operation, with brewing and bottling carried out in-house, we’re intrinsically aware of how much goes into every single serve from BONOMI. And this consciousness doesn’t limit itself to the team at the HQ, but percolates all the way to every person at the estates, who do their utmost to lovingly cultivate great produce. 

And so - we choose to celebrate exactly this, with our Speciality Cold Brew Coffees this year - the grit, graft, love, and care that makes even the smallest microlot worth it. And the people who make it all happen. 

We bring you…HomeGround 

With this endeavour, we’re trying to bring you a little taste of the brilliant estates that are home to some of the best coffee that India has to offer - through the considered process of making cold brew coffee. We’ll hope to dive into the rich heritage of the three estates we are working with, along with our roasting and brewing teams, to further flavour your cold brew coffees with grounded insights into our collaborative project.

As part of the 2022 edition of HomeGround, we are working with three estates, beginning with Mooleh Maney in Coorg. We will be bringing out a total of five speciality cold brew coffees, to satiate and delight the cafephile in you. 

And each of these collaborators is incredibly dear to us — not just for what they craft, but for who they are, and why they do what they do. And we’d love to bring a piece of that to you.

Let’s discover and celebrate great coffee at home, from home.
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